Researchers have confirmed that any USB device can be used to steal your data. Even a USB Coffe warmer, or a USB vacuum cleaner.
This is owing to the Plug-and-Play feature of the USB ports. The computer trusts the USB devices highly. Whatever device is plugged in to the port, it is trusted by the computer. Moreover, it cannot detect what device has been plugged in on its own. It needs the device to tell it, and trusts whatever it tells it. If the USB webcam says that it is a keyboard, the computer will trust it.
Due to this trusting nature of USB, once the devices have been plugged in, it can perform any kind of data transfer, without raising an alarm. It can transfer viruses into your computer or it may steal your data.
For those of you who may be wondering how a USB Coffee warmer could be harmful, even devices that rely on computers only for power supply have got data lines along with power lines in their cables. These data lines are used for power negotiation.When a device is plugged in, it is at first provided with a power of 100mA, which is increased to 500mA after negotiation. If you ever wondered why your music player takes long to charge when the computer is turned off, this is the reason. Some low cost, local devices might eliminate the negotiation process, or even the data lines.
Using these data lines, any device, if programmed appropriately, can be used to steal data from your computer, or to inject harmful programs such as viruses or trojans into your computer. Data stolen from your computer maybe stored in the device itself or may be wirelessly transmitted to a remote attacker.
So the next time you plugin a USB device make sure it comes from a trusted person. You can disable your USB ports when not in use to prevent someone to plug in some USB device without your knowledge. To disable your USB port simply go to Device Manager, select the USB port from the list, right click on it and selsct 'Disable'. To re-enable, follow the same steps, only this time select the 'Enable' option.
emm, red white green black, yup but its +5 -d +d gnd...... ie white is -d ..... or at least thats what i have found about 30 other images show...
ReplyDeletei had to resolder because i didn't double check, argh !