The American Independence day has not been an as much enjoyable day for the people on the internet.
Hackers all round the world have been active lately. After active attacks on iTunes accounts and later on Youtube, Wikipedia has been down this morning, for a few hours.
Wikipedia is the largest online encyclopedia, with entries on almost anything. This morning Wikipedia users eager to gather knowledge, just got an error message : "Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties."
Wikipedia acknowledged the trouble soon on their twitter account, saying : "Hi, everyone. We're aware that the site isnt working as usual and we're figuring out the problem now. We'll let you know more soon!"
An hour later they gave out another tweet saying that they found out the problem, which was a power failure at their Florida Data Centre.
Was this a simple power failure, or a hacker attack, we may never know for sure.
Anyway the site came back up about half an hour after the tweet.
Checkout the Wiki twitter page here.
Earler this morning, iTunes was hacked, followed by the internet's most viewed video store, Youtube.
In the Youtube hack, some videos failed to play, while some others redirected to other pages.
But most of the attack was concentrated on Justin Beiber, whom some of us are not much pleased of.
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